Click "Play" button above to view a thumbnail demo animation. Actual BiteFX animations are viewable in full screen mode with fine control over the playing speed – whether forward, backward or frame by frame.

5. Front Teeth Protecting - Sideways Movement

Anterior guidance - The vital role of the front teeth.


  • Anterior guidance essential to protect back teeth.
  • Focus on canine protection of sideways movement.
  • Demonstrate front teeth veneers are not just cosmetic.
  • Why, if the condyles are in CR, fixing front teeth before finalizing the back teeth makes sense.

Each animation includes supporting photos and is equipped with detailed clinical notes


  • Point out how both jaw joints are fully seated as the bite is in full contact.
  • Show how the slightest movement sideways causes the back teeth to instantly come apart and hence protect those back teeth from hitting in any contact other than when the jaw is fully seated.
  • Help clients understand that, if they don't have good anterior guidance, you can create it with very artistic and functionally designed esthetic dentistry.
  • Point out that even though the back teeth look bigger, they aren't designed to have side forces on them. They can move or break (see animation 16: "Bruxing Sideways: Effect on Canine/Molars").
  • Point out that the forces in the back of the jaw, the molar region, have been measured to exceed 800 lbs of force whereas the pressure on the longer rooted front teeth rarely exceed 50 lbs of force.