The BiteFX Blog for All Things Relating to Occlusion

March 2013 BiteFX Updates

Posted by Doug Brown on Thu, Mar 21, 2013 @ 18:03 PM

This month, in Update 9, we are providing three new animations and three updated (slowed down) animations:

Tongue Thrust - Separate Views

March's animation updates complete the tongue thrust set of animations by giving individual animations for each of the three views: from underneath, from the front and from the side.

Tongue Thrust Underneath View Tongue Thrust Front ViewTongue Thrust Side View


Having the option of  showing the three views separately allows you to focus your patient's attention on a particular effect of the tongue thrust. Some patients may like to see all the views side-by-side, others may prefer just seeing one view at a time.


As with last month's animation these updates show:

  • Tongue thrusting forward
  • Force pushes front teeth forward, particularly pronounced on the upper teeth
  • Stronger side forces from the cheeks narrow and deepen the upper arch
  • The tongue is squeezed down
  • The lower lip eventually gets behind the upper front teeth increasing their protrusion, but lessening the protrusion of the lower front teeth

Thank you to our local orthodontist, Dr. Jerad West, for your help in putting this animation together and, of course, Dr. Peter Dawson for first planting the seed of animating this concept.


Slowed-Down Animations

Along with this animation we are also providing:

  • Splayed Canine,
  • Knife Edge Anterior Wear
  • Restricted Envelope of Function

- whose default play speed is now half of what it used to be.


A number of you have observed that even at the slowest play speeds these animations would still play too quickly. These updates correct that problem. 


Note that these may not highlight as having been updated as we have updated them before and a bug in the software means that second and later updates are not being highlighted. We will fix that problem in the next software update.


Software Update

Also note that we issued a software fix earlier in the month described in the blog article March 2013 Software Update.



Tags: Updates - 2013

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