Animation - Buccal Cusp Fracture
Some of our most popular animations are the ones that show things breaking, as these are good motivators for patients to act before their teeth break or good demonstrations of your expertise when you can explain to them how their teeth came to be in their current state.
Dr. Michael Bezbatchenko of Westerville, Ohio, pointed out that a frequent failure is in the buccal cusps of lower molars that had have had fillings. Dr. Bezbatchenko worked with us to produce this month's animation update which we trust you will enjoy and join us in thanking "Dr. Bez" for his input and help.
Supporting Photos - Cracked Teeth
Courtesy of Dr. John Kinsley of Rocky River, Ohio, we have added two new photos of teeth that have cracked and lost their fillings.
You'll find these in a new album called "Cracked Teeth".
You'll see more of Dr. Kinsley's photos in coming months. We are most grateful for Dr. Kinsley's willingness to share his library of photos with you.
Animation Fixes: "Anterior Guidance" and "Interference Slide and Toothache"
This month's update also contains new versions to two animations that fix very minor problems we spotted.
The fixes are:
Anterior Guidance - the jaw bone was slicing into the upper rear molar when fully protruded. An animation "layering" issue.
Interference Slide and Toothache - in the second half of this animation the full window was not being used so you could see a thin sliver of blue at the base of the animation.
Chances are you may not have noticed either problem but we figured we should make these corrections.