PDL Flex with Implant
When I introduced last month's update animation that showed how teeth are supported by periodontal ligaments I asked "Why do you need to be careful about crowns on implants?" Ever vigilant, Dr. Milos Boskovic asked: "Why didn't you show an implant in that animation?"
Duly reprimanded I had to agree it was a glaring omission, so this month gives you the "implant extension" to last month's PDL Flex animation. On Windows you'll receive two animations - just the extended part with the implant and the "full" animation that combines last month's animation with the extension, so you have the choice to use the animation with or without the implant. For the iPad the combined animation will replace the PDL Flex animation (but that will wait for the iOS 7 fix to be issued as that update is required to allow the replacing update - I'll let you know when that is available).