(BiteFX Forum Article posted by Suzan Bekolay of Click Coaching)
2. Weaving BiteFX into the first visits
- Before leaving the pre-clinical interview: Run a simple sequence of animations; EG: Open/closed comparison
to show patients what doctor will examine and let BiteFX do the talking as to why - it's one of your big distinctions. It triggers meaningful listening as data is collected; a less passive role for the patient in a call out style with the assistant and interest in the discrepancy diagnois. Introducing big ideas early and SIMPLY enhances value for the examination which can support fees beyond the usual and customary. - Alternatively or in addition, choose animations that correspond to reported dental history to make the subject matter personally relevant rather than academic; EG: history of multiple crowns (often preceded by cracks) use canine guidance and molar guidance comparison. It triggers conversation about level of care choice; sometimes triggering change from a purely symptoms approach towards a more proactive exploration of and meaning of signs; comprehensive instead of remedial.
- During the gathering of findings, let's say doctor observes interferences and abfractions. Instead of saving all to a “presentation”, we run the relevant animations during the examination which provides opportunity to genuinely co-discover; facilitating the internalization of the meaning of the problem. A number of different animations are salient to different types of findings. Lead in's: I'm going to look at this; run the animation then gather the data.
Rules of thumb; Keep it simple which is effectively done when breaking down the whole idea of CR/CO discrepancy to bite sized bits. Pick the biggest issue that the patient may have talked about. Avoid teaching…focusing only on problems…trying to explain too much at the same time before a client is facilitated to have it soak in. Acknowledgement of a problem is not a sign to move forward with discussion of treatment; it's way premature.
BiteFX allows you to say less and do more behaviorally; to begin the internalization of the meaning of problems; a transcendance over teaching and cognition and the all to common cognitive dissonance that follows; evidenced by “will my insurance pay?”.
In the examples above, enhancing perceivable value add begins at the first visit; making missionaries at the outset even if movement towards health and prevention is not instantly provoked. Weaving BiteFX throughout the first experience circumvents the “overwhelm” which so often occurs in formal presentations or “review of findings” risking patient getting stuck in ambivalence - the arch enemy of change.
Let us know what you think of Suzan's suggestions using the comment link below.
Part 4: Hygienists trigger movement