The BiteFX Blog for All Things Relating to Occlusion

February 2013 BiteFX Updates

Posted by Doug Brown on Wed, Feb 27, 2013 @ 14:02 PM

This month we are providing one new animation and two updated (slowed down) animations:

Tongue Thrust

Following-up on the neutral zone animations, this month gives you a demonstration of the effects of a tongue thrust.

 Tongue Thrust Effects Animation

A number of patients either don't believe that a tongue thrust can deform the mouth or won't believe that their deformed teeth were caused by a tongue thrust. This animation equips you with a convincing explanation preparing the way for your treatment or referral recommendation.


It shows:

  • Tongue thrusting forward
  • Force pushes front teeth forward, particularly pronounced on the upper teeth
  • Stronger side forces from the cheeks narrow and deepen the upper arch
  • The tongue is squeezed down
  • The lower lip eventually gets behind the upper front teeth increasing their protrusion, but lessening the protrusion of the lower front teeth

Thank you to our local orthodontist, Dr. Jerad West, for your help in putting this animation together.


Slowed-Down Animations

  • Bruxing Effect on Molars and Bruxing on Molars Forward Only whose default play speed is half of what it used to be.

A number of you have observed that, even at the slowest play speeds, these animations would still play too quickly. These updates correct that problem. We will deliver more slowed-down animations next month.

Tags: Updates - 2013

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