First of all, I would like to begin with an apology of falling so far behind on releasing these blogs. We had some issues with the release of our iPad app updates in the latter half of last year, which cascaded issues into the blog being de-prioritized. However, I am aiming to remedy this now, and catch up on what was forgotten!
Therefore below you will find a comprehensive list of all the updates that we released between August to November of 2019. So keep on reading if you are curious as to what you may have missed, or just wanted a reminder of what you have available to you.
All these animations are now wrapped up in V4 so no need to worry about installing them first - simply upgrade to get the better software and everything else inclusively!
Alright, let's begin:
Animation Update:
3D Insets Added to 2D Comparison Animation
This month’s update is similar to July, but more seperated. Whereas last month we released one animation going through 5 effects of no canine guidance, this month we released 5 animations each focused on one effect.

The effects seen are as follows:
1. Hypersensitivity in the nerves (top left above)
2. Tooth wear (top right above)
3. Gum and Bone recession (bottom left above)
4. Tooth chipping (bottom right above)
5. Abfraction (center image above)
You will find all these animations in the group, "Effects on Molars with 3D Insets".
Thank you Dr. Toomey for your help in developing this new set of animations. We hope you’ll all find them a useful addition.
Look for this in Update 87 on Windows, Update 52 on the iPad.
Animation Update:
3D Insets Added to 2D Comparison Animation
We continue to fill out the new "Effects on Molars with Insets" group of animations, with an animation that compares healthy and destructive effects, side by side.
The animation goes through each of the effects we illustrate: sensitive nerves, tooth wear, gum and bone recession, abfractions, and tooth chipping or fracturing.

Thank you Dr. Toomey for your help in developing this new set of animations and Dr. Brummett for the multiple-abfractions suggestion.
Look for this in Update 88 on Windows, Update 53 on the iPad.
Animation Update:
3D Insets Added to 2D Comparison Animations
This month sees the completion of the new "Effects on Molars with Insets" group of animations, with the separate animations that compare healthy and destructive effects, side by side.
The animations go through each of the effects we illustrate: sensitive nerves, tooth wear, gum and bone recession, abfractions and tooth chipping or fracturing.

Thank you once more to Dr. Toomey for your help in developing this new set of animations and Dr. Brummett for the multiple-abfractions suggestion.
Look for this in Update 89 on Windows, Update 54 on the iPad.
Animation Update:
Enhanced Knife-Edge Wear
This months update animation is an enhanced version of the knife-edge wear animation to which we’ve added gums and better disc and retrodiscal tissue motions.

We’ll be continuing upgrade current animations with these features in the coming months, probably releasing them in batches.
Look for this in Update 90 on Windows, Update 55 on the iPad.