The BiteFX Blog for All Things Relating to Occlusion

January 2015 BiteFX Updates

Posted by Doug Brown on Fri, Jan 30, 2015 @ 17:01 PM

Animation - Slow Condyle Deterioration

Last month's animation showed the effects of rapid condyle deterioration. This month we complement that with an animation that shows how things can develop when the condyle is deteriorating slowly.


Again based on input from Dr. Rick Rogers of Maryland and with review input from Dr. Alain Aubé of Montreal, Canada, this animation shows how the maxilla and upper teeth have time to follow the slow change in angle of the jaw so the whole tooth system ends up canted - as you can see in the right hand of the two pictures below. On the left is the starting position and on the right the finishing position.


Thank you to doctors Aubé and Rogers for the considerable input and time it has taken to produce these animations!

Tags: Updates - 2015

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